Could Live Streaming Revolutionise Your Digital Marketing In 2019?

You might well have noticed over the last few weeks and months that all the most popular social media channels have started adding live streaming features to their product offerings… and you might also have noticed that your competition has already started making use of this service to boost engagement and drive conversions.

When it comes to digital marketing, Cheshire businesses could really give themselves a serious boost if they prioritise live streaming this year, whether that’s on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube or Twitch.

If you’re not convinced, just give it a go and see what happens. You’ll likely see a higher-than-average engagement ratio and it’s possible that you’ll see more exposure from your live streaming than you do your regular content. Trying certainly can’t hurt and you could be pleasantly surprised.

But do make sure that you give your live streams the love and attention that they deserve. Winging it could actually have the opposite effect and if you produce a poor-quality video or haven’t thought through your content properly, you might find engagement drops - or, worse, you lose potential customers as a result.

The good news in this regard, however, is that the software available these days is incredibly user friendly so you shouldn’t have much trouble putting your videos together. It might take a little bit of practice but you’ll soon be shooting as if you’re the next Oliver Stone - and you can always ask us here at Smart Sales Consulting to lend a helping hand if need be.