Digital Marketing Techniques That See Results
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Businesses that want to promote themselves as much as possible should take advantage of the many digital marketing techniques available these days, as targeting people on the internet is a great way to open themselves up to more clients or customers.
However, companies that are new to online marketing might not know where to start. That’s why we’ve put together some advice on different digital marketing practises you might want to employ.
- Content Marketing
Something most businesses do not pay enough attention to is the content on their website. After they have filled out their main pages, updated their contact details and employed web designers to make it stand out, they think the job is done.
However, there are many ways to keep people coming back to your website, and regularly updating its content is one of the most effective.
Ensure you adopt search engine optimisation (SEO) techniques within the content that will help boost your position on online searches. You could also consider having a blog or news page, as adding content frequently helps drive new and repeated traffic to the website, which, in turn, raises your profile with search engines.
It also provides you with material to put on your social media pages, which is another way to promote awareness of your company.
- Social Media Marketing
Indeed, with an estimated 3.02 billion monthly active users expected to be on social media by 2021, making use of the different online networks gives you an opportunity to tap into a huge worldwide market.
The website you choose to have a profile on will depend on what type of business you have. Consumer-facing industries tend to achieve good results by being on Facebook, with 2.2 billion active monthly users on this social networking site alone.
However, B2B businesses may find Twitter more appropriate for their client base. The micro-blogging site has 336 million monthly active users, which, although fewer than Facebook, is still a huge pool of people to target.
- E-mail Marketing
Another more traditional method of digital marketing is to get in touch with your potential users by e-mailing them. You could send regular newsletters; post infographics about new surveys; and let them know about competitions or offers.
By encouraging people to subscribe to your newsletter and give you their e-mail address, you are able to add their contact details to your file of prospective clients.
E-mail marketing allows you to have a better idea of who your market are, as well as target the right people more directly.
However, with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) rules, companies have to be careful about using people’s contact details inappropriately. It may, therefore, be easier to use professional digital marketing companies in Cheshire to handle the business’ online advertorial needs, so you do not have to worry about breaking any data protection rules unknowingly.